Will Stainless Steel Outdoor Shower Rust?

What makes stainless steel rust? To clarify this question, we must first figure out what stainless steel is.

Stainless steel is a high-quality metal with a high proportion of chromium added in addition to iron. This is the answer to the riddle. Oxygen in the air reacts more quickly with chromium than with iron to form chromium oxide. This chromium oxide layer protects the stainless steel and thus prevents oxidation of the iron content. This also prevents the typical rust-red finish that everyone will instantly recognize as rust. So the goal is to keep the chromium oxide layer of the stainless steel intact so that the oxygen doesn't oxidize with the iron and cause real rust. IMPORTANT INFO: True rust cannot be removed. Compared to chrome, stainless steel is seawater resistant, polishable, resistant to limescale, salt and chlorine, antibacterial, durable and guaranteed lead-free, so it is not harmful to health.
stainless steel outdoor shower

Tip: Regular maintenance of your garden shower will keep the chrome layer intact so you can enjoy your showers for a long time

Care instructions:

Remove dirt with a damp cloth first.
Then clean the surface to be treated thoroughly, making sure the stainless steel cleaner has been shaken well.
Apply the product to a damp cloth.
Scrub vigorously while the product is still damp. To avoid damage, apply cleaner in the same direction as the stainless steel grain. Wipe the shower with a dry cloth.

In general, we recommend wiping down the shower with a soft cloth and fresh water more frequently (at least once a month, or once a week if the air contains salt water) to remove any limescale or deposits. Do not use steel wool or chlorine cleaners.

However, customers often tell us that their outdoor showers are rusted or discolored. This discoloration can be caused by a number of factors, but it is not dangerous and can be removed. Usually, it's rust particles that can be found in the air. They spin down to the garden shower and settle there (on the chromium layer). Usually, this looks like an orange-brown wax and will roughen the surface a bit. Since this rust doesn't come from the garden shower but forms another layer on top of the material, it's easy to remove. Flash rust can usually already be removed with a cloth and some water and detergent or stainless steel cleaner.

The following factors can trigger so-called flash rust:

1. Plants around the shower.
2. Pool environment - lead concentration in water, chlorine-based chemicals.
3. Please note that when storing the shower head in winter, do not store it near other steel products or chlorine!
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